Division 3 Water Rights - Groundwater Sustainability in the San Luis Valley
San Luis Valley
Since 2011 Hydros has provided water resources engineering support to a group of well users in Colorado's San Luis Valley. Engineering support provided by Hydros has included Substitute Water Supply Plan (SWSP) development and administration, Historical Consumptive Use (HCU) analysis, calculation of stream depletions, evaluation of Water Court filings, and Augmentation Plan development. Hydros collaborated with Clear Water Solutions in the development of Sustainable Water Augmentation Group's 21cw3026 Plan for Augmentation, which was the first Plan for Augmentation to go to Water Court in Division 3 since the Groundwater Rules have been in effect. Hydros' primary role in the development of the SWAG Plan was to develop the aquifer sustainability component of the Plan, which includes the only quantification of proportional obligations for refilling unconfined aquifer storage in the Closed Basin that has been completed. Hydros is currently assisting SWAG with water accounting, and also with formation of a Water Conservation District and with updates to their Plan for Augmentation.